Volunteering at APTA Pediatrics
Get Involved with APTA Pediatrics!
The APTA Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy has a variety of volunteer opportunities available for members like you! Elections are held each year to fill the Board positions and to elect a member of the Nominating Committee, contact info@pediatricapta.org to find out which positions will be on the next ballot.
Other volunteer opportunities are posted on APTA Engage and announced in Milestones, the APTA Pediatrics newsletter. The position description will include details for how to apply. You can also visit APTA Engage to sign up to receive curated volunteer alerts based on your areas of interest. Thank you for your interest in volunteering for APTA Pediatrics!
APTA Pediatrics Leaders who wish to request volunteer support should fill out the Volunteer Call Form and submit it to info@pediatricapta.org.