2024 APTA Pediatrics Elections
Experience clone, innovative ideas, and diverse voices are valued! The Nominating Committee is looking for candidates to fill the following positions as part of the 2024 APTA Pediatrics Elections. Elections will take place in the fall and positions will begin at CSM 2025.
- Treasurer
- Director of Member Communications and PR
- Director of Practice
- Director of Professional Development
- Chief Delegate Elect
- Nominating and Elections Committee member
Following receipt of applications, per the Nominating and Elections Committee policy in the APTA Pediatrics Policies and Procedures, the following timeline will be followed:
August 1 - August 14
The Nominating and Elections Committee will review the qualifications of all nominees and select the best qualified candidates for each position.
August 15
Nominating and Elections Committee will submit the draft slate to the APTA Pediatrics Secretary and Executive Director for review by the Board of Directors.
August 16 - August 25
Once the draft slate is approved, the Nominating and Elections Committee will notify candidates that they have been slated or not slated (those who are not slated may submit as a write-in candidate on the election ballot or as a "nomination from the floor" as explained in the next bullet).
September 01
The draft slate is shared with APTA Pediatrics membership via the Milestones member newsletter and welcomes "nominations from the floor." Nominations from the floor may be made by petition of 2 or more members and submitted to the Executive Director no later than September 30. The Nominating and Elections Committee will follow-up with candidates as needed to collect the necessary forms and may or may not choose to slate the candidate.
October 01
The final slate is submitted by the Nominating and Elections Committee to the executive office to create the online election portal, including space for write-in votes.
October 15
Voting opens and is announced in Milestones. Should a candidate withdraw their candidacy or be unable to serve once voting has started, the candidate shall remain on the ballot, but the votes will be voided.