Pediatric Physical Therapy
Pediatric Physical Therapy is the official Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy (APTA Pediatrics), the Swiss Association of Pediatric Physical Therapists, and the Pediatric Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.
APTA Pediatrics invites applications for the position of Editor-in-Chief of Pediatric Physical Therapy for a 5-year term beginning January 1, 2026, with possible renewable for an additional 5-year term. The new Editor-in-Chief will be expected to begin engaging in work with the current Editor-in-Chief on transition to the position starting in July 2025.
Pediatric Physical Therapy is the first and only peer-reviewed journal exclusively devoted to pediatric physical therapy.The mission of the journal is to provide a forum for scientific and professional exchange among researchers, practitioners and caretakers and families throughout the world that represent subspecialties of the discipline, including early intervention, neonatology, pediatric sports and fitness, school physical therapy, acute care for seriously ill children, and the prevention of primary and secondary conditions that lead to disabling conditions.
The primary role of the Editor in Chief is to provide vision and leadership for the journal and to ensure publication of high-quality, innovative evidence related to pediatric physical therapy with the purpose of improving care for children.
APTA Pediatrics is seeking an Editor-in-Chief who:
- Understands the importance of a high-quality professional journal on the advancement of physical therapy care for infants, children, and youth;
- Supports the development of the knowledge base in pediatric physical therapy to serve as a basis for clinical practice and education;
- Values and supports all types of research—clinical, translational, educational and foundational sciences;
- Supports and promotes the journal's role in translation of research into clinical practice;
- Is a recognized leader in pediatric physical therapy;
- Places a high value on engaging an international readership;
- Understands the pivotal role of digital presence and social media in scholarly publishing
- Demonstrates excellent interpersonal skills for interactions with authors, Editorial Board members, reviewers, the journal publisher, and Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Board, staff and members;
- Can arbitrate conflicts and find common ground while also ensuring the journal's integrity.
The Editor-in-Chief, in collaboration with the Pediatric Physical Therapy Editorial Board, will:
- Provide vision and leadership for the journal;
- Collaborate with the journal publisher to ensure publication of high-quality, innovative research related to pediatric physical therapy with the purpose of improving patient care;
- Continue development of the journal toward a leadership position among pediatric and rehabilitation journals;
- Appoint, set expectations, and regularly evaluate an international, diverse, and inclusive Editorial Board in keeping with the journal's mission and establish appropriate editorial policy to ensure content quality and the adequate representation of content areas and world regions.
- Collaborate with associate editors and the Editorial Board on matters related to quality and timeliness of the peer-review process, manuscript decisions, and editorial policies and procedures.
- Represent the Journal at professional meetings and events.
- Communicate regularly with the Academy Board of Directors through written reports and attendance at selected meetings, as determined by the Academy President.
- Engage in collaborative activities that consider and balance principles of editorial independence and transparency in journal management as guided by COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics
General Qualifications
- Physical therapist member of APTA and the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, or a foreign-educated physical therapist who lives outside the United States and is an international affiliate of the Association
- PhD or equivalent
- Recipient of research grants (not required, but strongly preferred)
- Demonstrated expertise as an author with a strong record of visible professional, scientific, and peer-reviewed publications
- Recognized knowledge of the pediatric physical therapy community (scholars and practitioners)
- History of service on an Editorial Board(s) (minimum of 3 years)
- Fluency in reading, writing, and communication in English, with a keen interest in the communication of research findings for application in practice
- Familiarity with research design, basic statistics, and research ethics, including Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) standards
- Familiarity with research reporting quality and integrity standards such as CONSORT, STROBE, PRISMA, SQUIRE, STARD, and SPIRIT
- Familiarity with protection of research participants and with other principles as put forth in the International Committee of Medical Editor's Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Journals
How to Apply:
Send a Cover Letter, CV, and briefly describe (≤300 words) your prior editorial and reviewing experience to info@pediatricapta.org by March 24, 2025.