Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder evident around 5 years of age as a combination of 4 DSM-5 criteria: 1) motor coordination below what would be expected when considering their chronological age and exposure to motor activities, 2) movement qualities including clumsiness, slowness or inaccuracy, which impact daily living skills, school productivity, leisure and play, 3) symptoms which began in the developmental period, and 4) symptoms that cannot be explained by other conditions such as an intellectual disability or other neurological conditions with motor impairments.

Physical therapists provide assessment of the child's motor skills and task goals to determine a plan of care that includes task oriented interventions with related body structure interventions, parent education and home programs to address motor skill acquisition. The following links are to a clinical practice guideline, designed for physical therapists, that provides an in-depth understanding of the examination and intervention process, and supplemental tools for parents/caregivers, health professionals, clinicians, and educators.

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The following resource provides parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with or at risk for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) with information related to the 2020 Developmental Coordination Disorder Clinical Practice Guideline (DCD CPG) and how physical therapists use the DCD CPG. This Parent/Caregiver resource was designed to be provided by physical therapists or physicians to parents and caregivers. Individual review with caregivers is highly recommended for optimal introduction, education, and support.

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): What Caregivers Need to Know


The following resource provides physicians and health care providers of children diagnosed with or at risk for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) with information related to the 2020 Developmental Coordination Disorder Clinical Practice Guideline (DCD CPG) published by the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, and how physical therapists use the DCD CPG. This resource was designed to be provided to, and reviewed with, pediatricians, psychologists and other health care providers who refer children diagnosed with or at risk for DCD to physical therapy, or who seek physical therapy input toward the diagnostic process.

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): Clinical Practice Guideline - Key Points for Healthcare Providers

Management Algorithm for PT Clinicians:

This resource is meant for use by physical therapy clinicians who work with children diagnosed with or at risk for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). It graphically organizes the physical therapy recommendations for screening, examination, intervention and communication.

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD): Clinical Practice Guideline Management Flowchart