Are You Ready to Be Connected?
The Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is seeking to partner with pediatric PTs and PTAs outside the United States, as well as professionals within the US who serve children, to share information, work together, and improve services for children and families. The almost-6,000 members of APTA Pediatrics seek to advance pediatric physical therapy through excellence in advocacy, education, and research in order to optimize movement for lifelong meaningful participation of all children.
Why Should You Become a Partner of APTA Pediatrics?
As a Partner of APTA Pediatrics you will receive the following benefits:
How Can You Get Involved in Other APTA Pediatrics Activities?
APTA Pediatrics has many opportunities to get involved - we encourage you to offer your time and expertise! The rewards gained from involvement with pediatric physical therapists benefit your career growth and provide personal gratification. We welcome the opportunity to acquaint you with APTA Pediatrics!
How Can You Join as a Partner?
The annual Partner fee is $75, covering a single year of benefits. This fee is required annually for each successive renewal of your Partner status. To join APTA Pediatrics as a Partner, sign up online to pay by credit card or download the Partners form and mail it in with a check