APTA Pediatrics: Call for Nominations

APTA Pediatrics Members are encouraged to nominate a coworker, a friend, someone in their program, or themselves for an award, scholarship, grant or lectureship! This Nomination Form can be used to apply for most awards and scholarships, which are due Oct 1 (the AC Attendance Scholarships for Student/New Professional is due Aug 1). Scholarships, grants, and lectureships listed under "Additional Honors" have their own application processes and deadlines.

Service Awards

The Jeanne Fischer Distinguished Mentorship Award recognizes a APTA Pediatrics member who has demonstrated sustained, altruistic mentorship beyond that expected within the nominee's regular employment. Mentorship beyond clinical practice could include, but is not limited to, community service, leadership, advocacy, research and/or policy. The nominee must be a current APTA Pediatrics member, with a minimum of 25 years of professional practice in pediatric physical therapy in clinical, academic, or management/ administrative settings. Someone who demonstrates multiple types of mentoring (formal and informal) in a variety of settings preferred. To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.

The GE "Bud" DeHaven Service Award honors a APTA Pediatrics member who has demonstrated sustained and extraordinary service to APTA Pediatrics. To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.

The Distinguished Service Award for External Advocates recognizes an individual or institution that has made contribution(s) of exceptional value to the APTA Pediatrics. Contributions may be in any area(s) to APTA Pediatrics as a whole or in a specific area (examples may include legislative support for an issue important to pediatric physical therapy, research that impacts practice, practice techniques or equipment that have changed pediatric physical therapy practice, etc). To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.

The Susan Effgen Advocacy Award recognizes a APTA Pediatrics member who has demonstrated consistent support for the delivery of pediatric physical therapy services in any practice setting through one or more of the following activities: advocacy for new or existing legislation or policies that support pediatric physical therapy services; participation in the development or construction of legislation, policies and/or procedures that are of importance to pediatric physical therapy practice at the regional, state, or national level; or participation in advocacy or government affairs events sponsored or supported by the APTA and its components, including state chapters, in order to promote pediatric physical therapy practice, advocacy, or legislation. Please be as specific as possible in completing this form so that the nominee recommended can receive full consideration. To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.


Clinician Award

The Outstanding Pediatric Clinical Practice Award recognizes a PT or PTA APTA Pediatrics member who has demonstrated going "above and beyond" typical job expectations including exhibiting creativity, adaptability, energy, dedication, and innovation; of at least one of the following (asset but not requirement): advocacy, volunteer work, community service, or service to underserved populations; of competency as identified by each of the following: experiences of colleagues and clients or caregivers, ability to make intervention meaningful to children and families, effectiveness in meeting identified goals for children; and, for PTAs, of excellence in partnering with supervising PTs. To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.

Research Awards

The Dissertation Award recognizes an active or student APTA Pediatrics member who has completed a novel and clinically relevant research project as partial fulfillment for a research doctorate (eg, PhD, DSc, EdD). Projects completed as part of a clinical doctoral degree (eg, DPT, transitional DPT) are not eligible. The Dissertation Award recognizes a student who has conducted research that is clinically relevant to pediatric physical therapy and who has made efforts to demonstrate knowledge translation through publications or poster or platform presentations of the research. To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page and submit with a PDF copy of your dissertation. Applications are due Oct 1.

The Outstanding CSM/APTA Pediatrics Annual Conference Research Abstract Awards are given in recognition to an active or student APTA Pediatrics member who is the first author of an outstanding research abstract submitted to APTA Pediatrics for a platform or poster presentation at the Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) or for a poster presentation at The APTA Pediatrics Annual Conference. One Outstanding CSM Research Abstract Award and one Outstanding APTA Pediatrics Annual Conference Research Abstract Award will be given each calendar year. An award ribbon will be presented to each recipient at the time and location of her/his research presentation. Selections will be made by APTA Pediatrics Research Committee, based on reviews and scoring of submitted abstracts; no submission is needed by the author. The 5 highest ranked research abstracts submitted to both CSM and APTA Pediatrics Annual Conference will be considered for the Outstanding CSM Research Abstract Award.

The Stephen Haley Research Award recognizes an APTA Pediatrics member who has performed sustained and outstanding basic, clinical, and/or education research pertaining to pediatric physical therapy. The award recipient shall demonstrate evidence that the published body of research materials makes a meaningful contribution to the scientific basis of pediatric physical therapy, and one or more of the following criteria: 1) oral presentations and written articles of the research have been reported to the appropriate audiences, 2) an active attempt to foster research of others, and 3) work has been recognized by receipt of grants. To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.

The Jeanne Hughes Award is awarded to the best manuscript published in Pediatric Physical Therapy adapted from a thesis or dissertation. The Toby Long Award is awarded to the best manuscript published in Pediatric Physical Therapy not adapted from a thesis or dissertation. A subcommittee made up of three members of the Editorial Board of PPT reviews manuscripts submitted and makes recommendations to the full Editorial Board; no submission is needed by the author.


The Carol Gildenberg Dichter Memorial PCS Scholarship is awarded to pay for registration fees for an APTA Pediatrics member to attend an APTA Pediatrics course with advanced programming to prepare for the PCS exam. To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.


APTA Pediatrics will award the cost of national APTA, chapter membership dues, and APTA Pediatrics dues to one student and one new professional each year from an under-represented population within the physical therapy profession. Student applicants shall be in their final year of a DPT or PTA program who demonstrate in their cover letter in a max of 500 words their academic success, participation in service projects (with projects emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion receiving greater consideration), membership, participation in professional organizations, and additional commitments (eg, working outside of class, caregiver to elderly parents or children, etc). New Professional applicants shall be a DPT or PTA within 5 years of graduation who demonstrate in their cover letter in a max of 500 words their participation in service and leadership projects (with projects emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion receiving greater consideration), membership and/or participation in professional organizations, and additional commitments (eg, working outside of class, caregiver to elderly parents or children, etc). Awardees shall be expected to:

To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.

This scholarship provides complimentary early-bird registration to the APTA Pediatrics Annual Conference and reimbursement of up to $550 for one student and one new professional each year to provide an opportunity for mentorship and involvement in APTA Pediatrics. Student applicants shall be a current APTA Pediatrics member who is currently enrolled in an accredited physical therapy/physical therapy assistant education program. New Professional applicants shall be current APTA Pediatrics member who is a DPT or PTA and has graduated in the past 5 years. Awardees shall be expected to:

  • Attend all APTA Pediatrics business and social events at the event
  • Be paired with an APTA Pediatrics Student & New Professional (SNP) SIG member for mentoring during the event
  • Within 4 weeks after the conference, complete a follow-up essay in a max of 500 words to summarize your experience and submit your reimbursement request (the Travel & Reimbursement Form can be found in the Policy & Procedure Manual) to snpsig@pediatricapta.org who will review and submit for processing.
  • Work with snpsig@pediatricapta.org to join an APTA Pediatrics committee and remain involved for 1 year.

To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Aug 1.

This scholarship provides complimentary early-bird registration to the Combined Sections Meeting and reimbursement of up to $550 for one student and one new professional each year to provide an opportunity for mentorship and involvement in APTA Pediatrics. Student applicants shall be a current APTA Pediatrics member who is currently enrolled in an accredited physical therapy/physical therapy assistant education program. New Professional applicants shall be current APTA Pediatrics member who is a DPT or PTA and has graduated in the past 5 years. Awardees shall be expected to:

  • Attend all APTA Pediatrics business and social events at the event
  • Be paired with an APTA Pediatrics Student & New Professional (SNP) SIG member for mentoring during the event
  • Within 4 weeks after the conference, complete a follow-up essay in a max of 500 words to summarize your experience and submit your reimbursement request (the Travel & Reimbursement Form can be found in the Policy & Procedure Manual) to snpsig@pediatricapta.org who will review and submit for processing.
  • Work with snpsig@pediatricapta.org to join an APTA Pediatrics committee and remain involved for 1 year.

To apply, complete the Nomination Form link at the top of this page. Applications are due Oct 1.

Additional Honors

These grants are intended to assist potential pediatric residency and fellowship programs with the ABPTRFE accreditation process. Applications will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis. Applications may be submitted throughout the year. To apply, click here.

APTA Pediatrics has three lectureships, which are presented on 3-year rotation at APTA's Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), starting at CSM 2016 (Knowledge Translation Lectureship), CSM 2017 (Ann VanSant Global Scientific Writing Lectureship), CSM 2018 (Dianne Cherry Educators' Lectureship), and so on. The Call for Lectureships will begin 2 years prior to the CSM when the lectureship will be presented based on the CSM submission cycle (for example, nominations for the Knowledge Translation Lectureship presented at CSM 2016 were due Oct 1, 2014). Further details and application information for the lectureships can be found in the Policy & Procedure Manual.

Click here for the application.

APTA Pediatrics provides grant funding to support physical therapy research in pediatrics; for more information, visit the Research Grants Program page.

APTA Pediatrics provides this scholarship to facilitate mentor-mentee relationships among experienced and novel authors; for more information, visit the PPT Journal Mentored Writing Scholarship page.